This chapter gives an overview of the syntax of “DocBlocks”. The precise effect of a tag including examples are provided in different chapters which are accessible via this document.
この章では「Docブロック」の文法の概観について説明します。 例を含むタグの詳細な説明については、それぞれの章を参照してください。
A DocBlock is a special type of comment that can provide verbose information about an element in your code.
The information provided in this type of comment can be used by developers to gain understanding of the function of a given element; but it is also used by IDEs to provide (among others) auto-completion and by phpDocumentor to generate API documentation.
このコメントは機能についての理解を促進させる情報を提供するために利用されます。 DocコメントをもとにIDEが自動補完の手がかりとしたり、phpDocumentorがAPIドキュメントを生成します。
This is an example of a DocBlock as it can be encountered:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | /**
* This is the summary for a DocBlock.
* This is the description for a DocBlock. This text may contain
* multiple lines and even some _markdown_.
* * Markdown style lists function too
* * Just try this out once
* The section after the description contains the tags; which provide
* structured meta-data concerning the given element.
* @author Mike van Riel <>
* @since 1.0
* @param int $example This is an example function/method parameter description.
* @param string $example2 This is a second example.
* これはDocブロックの要約です
* これはDocブロックの説明です。このテキストは複数行を含み、
* _markdown_ を含んでも良いです。
* * Markdown風のリスト機能もある
* * 一度試してみてね
* 説明文のあとにはタグを含みます。
* タグによって構造化されたメタデータを記述できます。
* @author Mike van Riel <>
* @since 1.0
* @param int $example これは函数/メソッドの引数の説明文の例です。
* @param string $example2 これはふたつめの例です。
Structural Elements can all be preceded by a DocBlock. The following elements are counted as such:
- 名前空間 / namespace
- require(_once)
- include(_once)
- クラス / class
- インターフェイス / interface
- トレイト / trait
- 函数 / function (メソッドを含む)
- プロパティ / property
- 定数 / constant
- 変数(ローカルおよびグローバル) / variables, both local and global scope.
A more detailed description of what Structural Elements are and how DocBlocks apply to them can be found in the Definitions.
Structural Elements が何かについての詳細な説明は Definitions にあります。
A DocBlock roughly exists of 3 sections:
Summary; a one-liner which globally states the function of the documented element.
要約: 文書化された要素の機能についての概要を一行で記述します
Description; an extended description of the function of the documented element; may contain markup and inline tags.
説明文: 文書化された要素の機能について追加で説明します。文中にマーク付けとインラインタグを含むことができます。
Tags; a series of descriptors for properties of this element; such as @param and @return.
タグ: 文書化された要素の機能の性質について記述するもので、 @param や @return などがあります。
The summary is used to give an impression of the function of the documented element. This can be used in overviews to allow the user to skim the documentation in search of the required template.
Summaries should always end in either a full stop, or 2 consecutive new lines. If it is not closed like this then any description will be considered as part of the summary.
A full stop means that the dot (.) needs to be succeeded by a new line. This way it is possible to mention abbreviations as “e.g.”, version numbers or other texts containing dots without ending the summary.
The description contains concise information about the function of the documented element. It is allowed, and encouraged, to use Markdown markup to apply styling.
The following list has examples of types of information that can be contained in a description:
Descriptions can also contain inline tags. These are special annotations that can be substituted for a specialized type of information (such as {@link}). Inline tags are always surrounded by braces.
A complete listing is provided in インラインタグ リファレンス.
Tags represent meta-data with which IDEs, external tooling or even the application itself know how to interpret an element.
phpDocumentor understands and uses (almost) all types supported by phpDocumentor. A complete listing is provided in Tag reference.
In addition phpDocumentor is able to understand, and link to, the annotations of Doctrine2.
Docblocks automatically inherit the Summary and Description of an overridden, extended or implemented element.
For example: if Class B extends Class A and it has an empty DocBlock defined, then it will have the same Summary and Description as Class A. No DocBlock means that the ‘parent’ DocBlock will not be overridden and an error will be thrown during parsing.
This form of inheritance applies to any element that can be overridden, such as Classes, Interfaces, Methods and Properties. Constants and Functions can not be overridden in and thus do not have this behavior.
Please note that you can also augment a Description with its parent’s Description using the {@inheritdoc} inline tag.
Each element also inherits a specific set of tags; which ones depend on the type of element.
The following applies:
Elements | Inherited tags |
Any | @author, @version, @copyright |
Classes and Interfaces | @category, @package, @subpackage |
Methods | @param, @return, @throws |
Properties | @var |
Please note that @subpackage tags are only inherited if the parent class has the same @package. Otherwise it is assumed that the parent class is part of a library which might have a different structure.